Mac – How to deploy 10 new iMac and configure it programatically


What is the best and quicker way to deploy and customize a number of newly arrived iMacs
(say 10 or more) using an already configured iMac, a DHCP/DNS server, a LAN and Remote Desktop installed on the configured machine ?

The main tasks to be performed are accounts creation (1 account per machine of course), system settings customization, security, filevault, firewall and other minor tasks.

If needed I can think about a PXE/bootp netboot, serving an install image via tftp or similar (sorry, i'm new to MAC, but I'm pretty expert on linux/unix and I'm used to configure RHEL5 servers via cobbler+puppet… so please don't hesitate to be geek 😉

Thanks in advance

Best Answer

If you have a Mac Server License, you can use Deploy Studio, a free program that has decent documentation.

To create images, a great tool our Mac specialist uses is Insta DMG. It creates images well, and allows you install packages you create within your image. Good Luck, hope that helps.