Mac – Office 2011, Mac OS Lion, Excel creates temporary file on Windows server 2008, SMB share how to stop

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I have an issue with Macs and a windows SMB share, when using Excel 2011.

If I open an excel document from the windows share it will create a "Ghost file" starting with ~$ then the full filename e.g ::

If I opened testdoc.xlsx a ghost file will be created called ~$testdoc.xlsx this is not a major issue as when the document is closed the file is removed.

This file becomes a problem when my users are working through the VPN and if they disconnect their VPN without closing the excell document the "Ghost" file is left behind and then anyone on a mac can only open the file read only until this ghost file is removed.

I have tried using the apple command ::

defaults write DSDontWriteNetworkStores true

This stops the macs writing resource forks and DS store files to the network files but does not stop this ghost file creation.

Does anyone know what these files are? How to stop them being created? Is it safe to stop them?

Best Answer

If it works the way that Office does on Windows, which I'm assuming it does...

This file is essentially the temporary file that holds current edits and details in the event that the program or computer crashes mid-edit. Like you said, it also contains locking information for multi-user environments. In Windows it works the same way but the file is marked as a hidden/system file so it doesn't appear to the majority of users unless they are displaying hidden files.

This is a function of the Office suite and not the operating system so there really isn't any way to turn the functionality off. There may be an Office setting to disable the backup function but I'm still not sure that will remove the file entirely.

This may end up being more of a training issue than something that can be handled through software. Is there a reason your users disconnect from the VPN before saving and closing?

You could also try to edit the Auto Recovery options seen below to see if that helps: enter image description here

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