Mac OS X Lion BIND DNS settings for local site not working


I'm trying to set up a web app hosted on my mac in which people on my network can access via http://custom.local/

I can access it on the mac since I have set up an Apache VirtualHost and in /etc/hosts       custom.local

I ran $ named-checkconf /etc/named.conf which didn't return anything,

I ran $ named-checkzone custom.local /var/named/ on

which returned

zone hercules.local/IN: loaded serial 2012032301

but others on the network still can't access the domain.

I have in /var/named/

;BIND db file for custom.local

$ORIGIN custom.local.
$TTL 86400

@       IN      SOA     custom.local. root.custom.local.    (
                        2012032301      ; serial number as yymmddnn
                        15      ; refresh
                        3600    ; retry
                        3000000 ; expire
                        86400   ; min ttl

        NS      custom.local.
custom.local. IN      A

and in /etc/named.conf

zone "custom.local" IN {
        type master;
        file "";

also when I run $ rndc reload and $ rndc flush I get

WARNING: key file (/private/etc/rndc.key) exists, but using default configuration file (/private/etc/rndc.conf)
server reload successful

What am I missing?

Best Answer

Are the other computers you're trying to connect from running OS X, or some other operating system? If it's some other OS, you need to configure them to use your Mac as their DNS server (otherwise the lookups for custom.local never get sent to BIND on your computer).

If you're trying to reach it from other OS X computers, things are a bit different because OS X resolves *.local using multicast DNS rather than a standard DNS lookup. To get this working, go to System Preferences on your (server) Mac, open the Sharing pane, and click the Edit button near the top to change your Mac's mDNS name to custom.local.