Mac OS X Server user unable to log in though log appears fine


Trying to troubleshoot a user who is unable to log into our server from a client. Client is bound to server and other users can authenticate.

ApplePasswordServer.Server.log says the following when user in question tries to log in from a terminal:

Jul 26 2009 17:42:26    AUTH2: {0x473633ea7bc7fcaa0000000553400871, jeffb} DIGEST-MD5 authentication succeeded.
Jul 26 2009 17:42:26    AUTH2: {0x473633ea7bc7fcaa0000000553400871, jeffb} DIGEST-MD5 authentication succeeded.
Jul 26 2009 17:42:26    GETPOLICY: user {0x473633ea7bc7fcaa0000000553400871, jeffb}.
Jul 26 2009 17:42:31    KERBEROS-LOGIN-CHECK: user {0x473633ea7bc7fcaa0000000553400871, jeffb} is in good standing.
Jul 26 2009 17:42:31    KERBEROS-LOGIN-CHECK: user {0x473633ea7bc7fcaa0000000553400871, jeffb} authentication succeeded.
Jul 26 2009 17:42:31    AUTH2: {0x473633ea7bc7fcaa0000000553400871, jeffb} DIGEST-MD5 authentication succeeded.
Jul 26 2009 17:42:31    AUTH2: {0x473633ea7bc7fcaa0000000553400871, jeffb} DIGEST-MD5 authentication succeeded.

We are immediately kicked out with rather abrupt response:

macx42:~ weston$ ssh jeffb@xserver
Connection closed by

Edit: We have tried changing the user's password with Workgroup Manager to no avail…

Edit 2: Responding to comment…I DO see the failed attempt logged in /var/log/secure.log:

Jul 26 17:42:23 xserver sshd[498]: /etc/sshd_config line 70: Unsupported option KerberosGetAFSToken
Jul 26 17:42:26 xserver[34]: checkpw() succeeded, creating credential for user jeffb
Jul 26 17:42:26 xserver[34]: checkpw() succeeded, creating shared credential for user jeffb
Jul 26 17:42:26 xserver[34]: Succeeded authorizing right system.login.tty by client /usr/sbin/sshd for au
thorization created by /usr/sbin/sshd.
Jul 26 17:42:26 xserver sshd[498]: error: PAM: User account has expired for jeffb from
Jul 26 17:42:31 xserver[34]: checkpw() succeeded, creating credential for user jeffb
Jul 26 17:42:31 xserver[34]: checkpw() succeeded, creating shared credential for user jeffb
Jul 26 17:42:31 xserver[34]: Succeeded authorizing right system.login.tty by client /usr/sbin/sshd for au
thorization created by /usr/sbin/sshd.
Jul 26 17:42:31 xserver sshd[498]: Failed password for jeffb from port 54698 ssh2

Edit 3 – Results of dirt:

xserver:~ weston$ dirt -u jeffb -p ********
Call to dsGetRecordList returned count = 1 with Status : eDSNoErr : (0)

Call to checkpw(): Success

path: /LDAPv3/
Username: jeffb
Password: ********

Best Answer

Maybe it has something to do with this line from your log :

Jul 26 17:42:26 xserver sshd[498]: error: PAM: User account has expired for jeffb from

Looking at this i think the shell for your user is not in /etc/shells