Mac Server 10.6.8 – adding DNS forwarders – can’t “rndc reload”


I am trying to set DNS forwarders for OpenDNS in named.conf file. After editing and saving the file, I tried reloading the BIND config with command: rndc reload. However, I am getting the error:

rndc: connect failed: connection refused

Does anyone know how to resolve this?

Best Answer

It seems rndc is failing to connect to your BIND server on that interface/port. Is it listening?

sudo lsof -i | grep LISTEN

You may need to look in the controls statement of your BIND config to see how or if it's setup. Something like this:

controls {
    inet allow { localhost; }

Is it the built-in named? If so try to restart it this way:

sudo launchctl stop org.isc.named
sudo launchctl start org.isc.named
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