Mac – Time Machine: Bulk setting Spotlight attributes failed


I recently had a drive fail in a laptop and after replacing it and restoring a Time Machine backup onto it, any new backups to the same Time Machine backup get this error:

May 24 02:10:00 Foobar /System/Library/CoreServices/backupd[9605]: Bulk setting Spotlight attributes failed.

How does one fix Spotlight to remove this error?

Best Answer

Rebuilding the Spotlight index evidently fixes this:

  1. System Preferences > Spotlight > Privacy: add the affected drive (to stop indexing it)

  2. use to delete the affected drive's invisible ".Spotlight-V100" folder*

  3. System Preferences > Spotlight > Privacy: remove the affected drive (to start indexing it again)


sudo rm -rf /Volumes/YourVolumeNameHere/.Spotlight-V100

Remember, be careful when using "rm -rf" to avoid typos, or you could delete the wrong folder!