Machine name resolves to wrong IP


I have a machine called server1 (windows server 2008). It was initially set to have an automatically assigned IP by the DHCP server (windows server 2008). It assigned it I changed server1 to have a static ip of I then deleted the reservation out of the DHCP server. On my local dev machine (windows 7) when I try to ping it it resolves to the old address. I've tried `ipconfig /flushdns' on all the machines, and I've tried rebooting etc. From server1 when I ping it by its name it resolves properly, just not from anywhere else. Is there some cache somewhere that needs to be cleared?

Thanks for the help.

Best Answer

Is that DHCP server also running as a DNS server? If so, clean up the host entry in DNS (delete and/or clear cache).

Update, 20120219

From an other post you made "Can't find computer by name only by IP address", I make up you do not have any internal naming resolution (like DNS, WINS or host-files).

My advice? Unless you want to return here every other month with resolving issues, get an internal DNS ASAP!