Mail server specifications



I'm 'the tech guy' and as such will usually get questions that are not really in my area of expertise 🙂

Today's latest question is regarding moving a mail server to a new provider. Now shockingly I've realised how expensive this would be as it needs to be exchange. While I am putting together a list of providors I'm also looking into the cost of just buying a new server. The reason we are moving away from our current solution (Hosted ourseves) is due to capacity.

So can anyone reccomend what type of specifications would be best suited to running a mail server? Most probably it will be used as a file server as well. Therefore…

a) Need lots of space
b) Lots of ram

Is that it?

Best Answer

Technet is usually a good place to start with this sort of specing exercise. Assuming that you are looking at exchange 2010 then this link will help out.

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