Mailscanner and amavisd-new comparison


I'm going to implement a mailfiltering gateway for my company. I'm going to use Postfix, with a PostgreSQL back-end.

The question would be: how to best implement the antispam measures.

  • Mailscanner + SpamAssassin?
  • amavisd-new + SpamAssassin?

(Note: I don't need antivirus filtering)

I've been searching for up-to-date comparison between Mailscanner and amavisd-new, but most comparisons I found are severely out of date.

Can someone provide me an up-to-date comparison or a link to such?


Best Answer

Silly me. Just found out about this page:

... and I quote:

mailscanner system, works with Postfix and other MTAs. WARNING: This software uses unsupported methods to manipulate Postfix queue files directly. This will result in corruption or loss of mail. The mailscanner authors have sofar refused to discuss a proper access API or protocol.

Case solved. amavisd-new, it will be.

Thanks for everyone who have tried to answer!


In the comments, @Spikolynn referred to , which explains how Postfix now implements a 'holding' queue which should prevent queue corruption.

Many improvements have happened on the Postfix side since this question was asked; so if you happen upon this Q&A as a result of a search, please be aware that the situation might not be as clear cut as it was when I came upon the problem.

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