Mapping a private server (running in 3G mobile network) to a public subdomain


Networking newbie question:

I am trying to understand what would be the best way to expose several mobile web servers, all of them are behind a router which is a typical 3G network configuration, here all 3G mobile has only a private IP, so in this case we have several web servers all of them are unreachable.

If a have a DNS server can I use DNS A record to point to this web servers (no public IP) and a reverse proxy ( to forward traffic to each mobile web servers?

The application that I am trying to do will make those web servers accesible (no public IP) using a subdomain of the proxy server for instance

Is there a way to accomplish this?

Best Answer

Your main issue is this: You have a router/firewall out in front of your mobile device. Unless you have some way of accessing that ISP/phone company router to enable port forwarding, you'll never be able to access the webserver externally. Even if you hook up something like No-IP or DynDNS to your webserver so that the external IP address of the ISP/phone company is correct, without port forwarding those requests will just hit the firewall and stop.

Bottom line - your ISP/phone company would have to approve of this plan and let you do it or it's going to fail miserably...

EDIT As mailq points out in a comment - you need data pushing, not data pulling - you're almost certainly seeing your competitors pushing data automatically from the sensors to a central server. That's pretty easy to accomplish. Pulling data from behind the 3G NAT routing is dependent entirely on your 3G carrier participating with you.