Mass hard drive erasure

hard drive

I was wondering if there is some hardware out there that can simultaneously wipe/zero out many hard drives of different varieties. If there isn't, would it be simple enough to build one manually?

We have dozens of hard drives we need to erase. We're currently removing the hard drives from lab machines, replacing them with the ones to be erased, and using a bootable DBAN. It's slow, cumbersome, and requires several lab machines to be disassembled and reassembled (which is also slow and cumbersome).

Of course, it'd have to be able to erase 3.5", SATA, 2.5", etc…, bonus points if I can mix and match types and erase simultaneously. Double bonus points if it has a connection for proprietary Sun drives.

Note: It's policy that we can't use degaussers. We also aren't looking to destroy ALL of them (Maybe 1 out of 30 actually needs to be destroyed physically, we can handle that), so a grinder/crushing machine isn't what we are looking for.


Best Answer

If this has to occur overnight, you could always setup a network boot that boots you into DBAN and allows you to work from there. This blog post should get you moving in the right direction. There's also a corresponding post on setting up pxe. YMMV, I haven't tried this particular way of doing it (but this is how I would do it if I needed to again).


This has the added benefit of not requiring you to disassemble systems or get some type of enclosure to swap drives out.