GCP – Master IPv4 CIDR Configuration for Private Cluster


I'm trying to create a private cluster in GCP as per the steps mentioned here:

As per this, the ipv4 address for the master node is set to
I have also seen that the same CIDR blocks are used in many other examples as well.
Is there a restriction that only this particular CIDR block should be used for master when configuring a GKE private cluster?
If yes, then, can my VPC/subnets have a different range of CIDR , for ex,
As in, can the master node reside in one subnet and the nodes in a different subnet?

If there is no restriction on the master ipv4 address range, then can I use any RFC1918 range for this?

Best Answer

The only restrictions, based on [1] public documentation, are:


Private clusters have the following restrictions:

  • ...

  • You cannot use a cluster master, node, Pod, or Service IP range that overlaps with

  • ...


Private clusters have the following limitations:

  • Each private cluster you create uses a unique VPC Network Peering.

  • Each VPC network can peer with up to 25 other VPC networks.

  • The size of the RFC 1918 block for the cluster master must be /28.

  • While GKE can detect overlap with the cluster master address block, it cannot detect overlap within a shared VPC network.

So basically you can use any private ip range that does not violates any of the rules stated before.

[1] https://cloud.google.com/kubernetes-engine/docs/how-to/private-clusters#limitations

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