Maximum ‘anything’ when running a high number of processes on Windows


I have a series of well optimised services written in house using .Net running on many 512GB RAM server (a mix of Xeons including E5-2697 V2 etc). Is there a maximum handle, process, thread count that would contribute to services becoming unable to stop and start? Haven't got anywhere with Microsoft support to date.
Currently the machine is using approx :

1,000 processes (about 400 user accounts for isolation between each service and child processes)
14,500 threads
1,000,000 handles

We also seem to max out around 550 users on RDP machines on Windows 2012 R2.
Is this known/expected?

Machines have plenty of RAM and plenty of CPU.
We have even tried running virtual machines, but splitting across machines seems to still hit this 550 user limit.

Best Answer

Yes - Mark Russinovich wrote a whole series of posts, unfortunately back in 2008 so some of it might be out of date. Link-and-run answers aren't great, but he wrote a lot on the topic that I cannot easily summarize here. He also shows a bunch of tests that you could run to see if some of the limits in 2012R2 have changed.

I have never seen anyone get over 500 interactive RDP users onto a single Windows machine. Hell, I don't think I've ever seen more than 80. Is RDP really the best choice for interaction with your services?