Meaning of virtual_ipaddress_excluded in keepalived configuration

keepalivedload balancingvrrp

I had some problems with my keepalived configuration and found the answer in this post: Keepalived for more than 20 virtual addresses

But I am not sure about the difference between virtual_ipaddress and virtual_ipaddress_excluded? Can anyone explain this to me? The doc says:

virtual_ipaddress_excluded { # VRRP IP excluded from VRRP packets

Best Answer

virtual_ipaddress and virtual_ipaddress_excluded both list IP addresses that keepalived may bring up and down on the server but those defined as excluded (i.e. listed in virtual_ipaddress_excluded) are not listed in the VRRP packet itself (source).

Apart from this, I'd be curious to know the purpose of listing / not listing the VIPs in the VRRP packets. Maybe it's just a matter of packet size / amount of traffic, since virtual_ipaddress_excluded is not limited to 20 IP addresses.