Measuring network latency


I want to measure performance of the network, especially latency. We are performing stress tests of a system that sends live audio / video data over the network. When there are multiple simultaneous connections (e.g. 100 connections) we are observing that it takes too long for the data to be sent from one party to the second party. Currently, I don't know if it is because of server performance or it is a network issue.

Server load is really low (about 15% cpu load), however it could still be server issue because of threads context switching and it is possible that data waits for the server to begin processing. My setup is as follows:

Client -> Load balancer -> Proxy Server -> Application Server -> Agent

I want to measure how long it takes for the data to be sent between every two elements (omitting only Load balancer), e.g. between Client and Proxy Server.

Servers are Windows Server 2008R2, client and agent are Windows XP/7.

I thought that I could install wireshark on every machine, synchronize clocks and manually check packets captured on every machine. However, I hope there is a better solution.

Best Answer

Psping from Russinovich does ICMP ping, TCP ping, bandwidth testing, and more.

It has a server component and a client component so you have to run it in both machines for the more advanced tests.

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