Memcached not listening


I installed Membase's memcached distro on Windows 2003 R2 x64, but memcached.exe isn't opening any listening ports (I can see this through the TCP/IP tab in Process Explorer). However, if I copy the command line Membase uses to launch memcached:

"E:\Program Files\Membase\Server\bin\memcached\memcached.exe" -X ./bin/memcached/ -p 11210 -E ./bin/bucket_engine/ -B binary -r -c 10000 -e admin=_admin;default_bucket_name=default;auto_create=false

and launch this manually in a cmd, it opens the port 11210 correctly. However, it still doesn't work, and if I add a -v to the command line I get a lot of these errors:

2144: sasl result code:  -1
2144: Unknown sasl response:  -1
2160: sasl result code:  -1
2160: Unknown sasl response:  -1

Has anyone seen this? Any ideas?

Best Answer

This looks to me as a permission problem. I don't remember the specific permissions but membase needs to have a permission to listen, start other apps and perform authentication/authorization.