Mercurial server upgrade woes


I have a central server for my Mercurial repositories. I just created a new repository on the server using hg init myrepo. The version of Mercurial on the server is 1.7.3.

From my client, I use hg clone http://myserver/myrepo. The version of Mercurial on my workstation is 1.7.5. On my client, I receive an error:

HTTP Error 500: requirement 'dotencode' not supported

From my brief Googling of this error message, my server and my client are both new enough to support the 'dotencode' requirement.

Is this just a red herring error message?

Other info: the server is Windows 2008R2 64-bit, the client is Windows 7.

Best Answer

An excerpt from the HG wiki:

If an older Mercurial version tries to access a repository that was created by a newer Mercurial version, an error message like

abort: requirement 'dotencode' not supported!

may be displayed, which means the Mercurial version used to access that repository doesn't know how to interpret it, because accessing it would require knowledge about the 'dotencode' capability.

If such an error message appears, a newer Mercurial version must be used to access the repository or the repository must be converted to an older format understood by that version (by using 'hg clone --pull')

This does not sound relevant since your client version seems to be higher than the server one (I think you should double check this), but this recipe is worth trying anyway.

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