Microsoft Exchange sending to incorrect mail server address


My client is having intermittent problems sending email to a few customers. It has really only happened in the last five days and so far only to six different messages but they all have the same differences between a working and failed delivery.

In the screenshot below, the difference between a working and failed delivery is the Server IP/Hostname that it attempts to deliver to. I chose this recipient since their domain is generic. In other attempts with tens of messages per week it looks very similar.

For some reason Exchange Server obtains the IP for the domain of the recipient account instead of using the address from the MX record. (ie. instead of

My client is running Small Business Server 2011 Standard w/ Exchange 2010. The rest of their ~200 messages a day send just fine.

[ScreenShot][1] (Can't attach images yet)

My research so far:

  1. microsoft exchange not using mx record
  2. microsoft exchange random recipient ip changes
  3. exchange sending to A record
    1. Possibly relevant: link
  4. exchange sending to wrong mx
    1. Same situation but from the other side: link
    2. Same situation, no resolution: link

Best Answer

Well, if I try to telnet, I am unable to connect, so I suspect that ServerHostname is a red herring. Clearly you are getting connected to a mail server, but it is requiring that you authenticate in order to use port 25. The 550 error you are getting is either because SMTP auth is turned on on the server you have connected to, or because they are trying to force TLS.

If you go to the command line on that server and type:

set type=mx

what do you get back? Does everything check out? Do you get the same answer if you do

set type=mx

Or do you work for mindspring and this is all internal?