Microsoft RDP client for mac and protocol version 7.1


I have the problem that I cannot connect to a Windows 2008 R2 (SP1) server via RDP using my Mac.
The error Message I get is the following: “You were disconnected from the Windows-based computer because of problems during the licensing protocol”

From asking Mr. Google I tried the proposed solution to delete some cached files, but it didn’t resolve the problem.

The strange thing is that to other S
servers running Windows 2008 R2 (SP1) on the same Network I can connect.

I checked the configuration on the server and noticed that under Roles -> Remote Desktop Services -> RD Session Host Configuration it says under Connection Type: “Microsoft RDP 7.1”. On other server where I can connect it says “Microsoft RDP 6.1”.

Could that be the reason?

The Mac I use has Lion 10.7.3 installed


Best Answer

This is a known issue. You will have to wait for the hotfix from either MS or apple. Use CORD the open source RDP client. I manage several terminal servers and some macs cannot connect. MS has acknowledged the issue.