Microsoft SC VMM 2008 R2 doesn’t have option to compact virtual hard disk


I can't figure out how to shrink a VHD using Microsoft System Center Virtual Machine Manager 2008 R2. Viewing the article Shrink your VHD size seems like this would be simple to do. However I don't see any of those check boxes that article shows.

The article does mention that all check points need deleted first, I have followed that information and deleted the check points.

Here's what I see alt text

Best Answer

This seems to be a limitation in terms of the IDE virtualization. If a hard drive is on the IDE adapter, the virtual machine must be stopped before any changes to the hard disk can be made.

The reason you're not seeing the options is probably because the VM is running.

Here's a screenshot of my VM properties of a running VM with IDE as the storage configuration. alt text

Hope this helps!