Missing HDD space – says 65GB used, selecting all folders shows 40GB used

disk-space-utilizationhard drivewindows-server-2008

Running Windows Server 2008, 74GB raptor drive and noticed we only had about 500MB left – yikes!

So deleted some old backups we don't need, but can't track down where about 25GB seems to be taken up. If I go to C: and select all folders and go to properties, this comes to around 40GB but in My Computer I can see 65GB is used.

How can I find out whats eating the space?

Just IIS + MSSQL Express + Smartermail on the server

EDIT Checked to show hidden folders plus protected operating system files – 41.8GB usage, so 24.6GB is missing somewhere. Theres no system restore even installed on the server

Best Answer

Try this free program and see if it can help you. Should show you amount of space used per directory.

Also check how much your hard drive is fragmented, this surely didn't take your 35GB but could loose you couple of megs.