ModSecurity block specific string in request


I want a ModSecurity rule, which block the access to any url or any Body request Post/Get, if it contains a specific string.

For example i want to block this string : "km0ae9gr6m"

I have this rule in placse but it doesnt seems to be working.

SecRule ARGS "km0ae9gr6m" "log,deny,msg:'Access Denied'"

Best Answer

Which ModSecurity version are you using? ARGS variable only includes QUERY_STRING + POST_PAYLOAD in version 1.X. If you're running version 2.X, with your above rule, testing with a request as below:

you'll see something like this in the audit_log:

[modsecurity] [client x.x.x.x] [domain] [302] [/20120813/20120813-1226/20120813-122624-70QXqH8AAAEA AEucDbkAAAAA] [file "/etc/httpd/modsecurity.d/modsecurity_crs_10_config.conf"] [line "305"] [msg "Access Denied"] Access denied with code 403 (phase 2). Pattern match "km0ae9gr6m" at ARGS:b.

In ModSecurity 2.x, ARGS expands to individual variables. So, try this:

SecRule REQUEST_URI|ARGS|REQUEST_BODY "km0ae9gr6m" "log,deny,msg:'Access Denied'"
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