Mongodb: The paging file is too small … v2.6.4 on Win2012


We had this a couple weeks ago, and mongo would not restart.
We have 30GB RAM. The paging file had originally ben 4gb. When we first hit this a couple weeks ago, we incrased the paging file to 12GB min/25GB max.

Then a few days ago…. the server terminated again:

2014-10-01T00:24:05.664-0500 [conn3421] insert dotnetwrapper_mongodb.LogItem ninserted:1 keyUpdates:0 numYields:0 locks(micros) w:1814629 1818ms
2014-10-01T00:24:05.914-0500 [conn3419] VirtualProtect for c:/MongoDB/Data/dotnetwrapper_mongodb/dotnetwrapper_mongodb.309 chunk 46821 failed with errno:1455 The paging file is too small for this operation to complete. (chunk size is 67108864, address is 2db94000000) in mongo::makeChunkWritable, terminating
2014-10-01T00:24:05.914-0500 [conn3419] dotnetwrapper_mongodb.LogItem Fatal Assertion 16362
2014-10-01T00:24:08.082-0500 [conn3419] mongod.exe    ???

Fortunately, it came back up OK.

Aside from the obvious (don't use mongo for production systems! — this is a logging system)…

What do we need to do to solve this forever?
(A 50GB paging file seems not appro…)

Best Answer

Yes, the answer is in the mongo jira system:

  • The know the problem
  • It has affected many users
  • At this writing, they are working on a resolution

As of March 2015, the bug is still open, and our mongo server goes down every month or two.