Network Traffic – Monitor Network Traffic by Port


I apologize in advance if this is out of topic.

I am currently using Icinga and Cacti to monitor machines and the network respectively. While I have no big issues with this setup, I would really like to have the option to monitor network traffic BY PORT in real time.

Is there a utility that does this? I only know of Paesler and Solar Winds, but anything non open source is out of the question for now.

Any ideas?

Best Answer

You asked for ideas and... here is mine.

To solve your problem, you've two very limiting conditions:

  1. You're unable to take hands on your Cisco ('cause it's not yours and its configuration cannot be changed to suite your needs);

  2. You cannot change (at least, not easily) the way Zeroshell is working (due to the very nature of Zeroshell itself [it's quite complex to rebuild Zeroshell to suite your needs [see below]).

On the other end as you want REAL_TIME_MONITORING and PER-PORT-TRAFFIC-ACCOUNTING you're mostly forced to have at least one point (one network interface) where:

  1. All the traffic will be flowing, so for you to "account" the all of it;
  2. the interface is "owned" by some equipment you can manage.

What I have done in such situations is to REPLACE the existing appliance (in your case: Zeroshell; in my case various hardware appliances from various vendors) with something I can fully manage without constraints: a common linux box with at least two interfaces properly configured to route/firewall traffic.

Let's suppose this could be OK for you (...even tough I understand that could be an issue, for you, due to the initial setup-efforts).

IF such a machine is available, THEN I'd add to the set of software to install on it:

  • IPTRAF: despite its age, it's still perfectly able to gives out REAL-TIME data from your network interfaces. It provides a character-user-interface, so it can be launched remotely, within a simple SSH connection (no web, no big GUI libraries, etc.);

  • NTOP: from the official website: "...a network traffic probe that shows the network usage, similar to what the popular top Unix command does...". NTOP is way much feature-rich than IPTRAF. Definitely more powerful (but more complex to configure/install than a single "apt-get install" or "yum install")

As clearly stated, both tools above provides good REAL-TIME data (as you asked in your question). Anyway, I'm quite confident that you need ALSO asynchronous data: I'm sure you want also to be able to check something like: "who were the hosts/MACs that generated/consumed most of the traffic, yesterday? And for which protocols?", probably drilling down such data back to a single IP/MAC/PORT, and down to a granularity of.... 1 minute. Don't you? In such a case I strongly reccomend:

  • PMACCT: from the official website: "...pmacct is a small set of passive network monitoring tools to measure, account, classify, aggregate and export IPv4 and IPv6 traffic..". Please note that PMACCT can solve a wide range of problems, most of them suited for big/large ISP/operators. Nevertheless, it can run perfectly of your linux-box and account for traffic flowing along its interfaces. With a configuration like this:


host:~# cat /etc/pmacct/pmacctd.conf

interface: eth0
daemonize: true
aggregate: src_mac,dst_mac,src_host,dst_host,proto,src_port,dst_port

ports_file: /etc/pmacct/ports.list 

plugins: mysql

sql_user: pmacct
sql_passwd: sqlpassword
sql_db: pmacct
sql_table: acct_v4_%Y_%m_%d

it can easily keep track of traffic flowing along eth0 in a mysql table, so for you to easily check what happened on your network with a common/simple SQL-query.

Just to give you some real numbers, I've succesfully used PMACCT on a server with a XEON X3350; 4GB of RAM; 4 broadcom GigaEth interfaces; nearly 70 VLANs configured on eth0 and pmacct listening on all of them; +/- 300GB of various IP traffic routed on a daily basis; PMACCT generating accounting EVERY_MINUTE, for EVERY_VLAN, for EVERY tuple (src_mac, dst_mac, src_ip, dst_ip, src_port, dst_port); +/- 60.000.000 accounting records per day. All of this, without any issue (but writing on text-files, not in MySQL). In smaller environments, anyway, there are no problems in writing directly to MySQL.

Also, please note that thanks to PMACCT I keep track of EACH IP addresses seen on my networks, on a daily basis (in other words: I know that have not been seen since july 16th 2014; have never been seen [since the start of PMACCT accounting]; etc.).

Also on PMACCT: I have configured the ethernet switch connecting my main Internet-gateway, to "mirror" its traffic to a free port, where I've plugged an ad-hoc linux-box accounting all the Internet traffic (a 1GEth link). No issue at all.

A final note about PMACCT: should you (or some other readers) wonder why I NOT choosed some more common NETFLOW/IPFIX probe/collector, the reason is very simple: PMACCT is the only one I've found being able to account also MAC-addresses.

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