Monitoring disks from ServeRAID array


I am looking for a way to monitor individually the disks an array on a ServeRAID device using smartctl. The RAID is seen as a single disk /dev/sda by Ubuntu 12.04 LTS. The ServeRAID is a ServeRAID – 5i (adaptec) from an IBM eServer serires x345 with SCSI disks.

I've tried various ways with smartctl, as it could be done with 3ware RAID. I also browsed the web and saw people monitoring through /dev/sgX entries. But those attempts were unsuccessful.

The idea behind this is to be able to monitor each disk of the array for SMART to be able to have data for Munin, Icinga and smartd.

Any solution?

Best Answer

You don't tell us what kind of system this is on, but if you can install IBM Director SNMP agents on it you can monitor the controller via SNMP.

It's not smartctl, but the ServeRAID MIB is quite comprehensive and includes both physical and logical device status information. if you have a monitoring system in place that uses SNMP this would be my choice.

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