More elegant way to remotely run chef-client


This is the way recommended in the Chef Fast Start tutorial:

knife ssh name:mynode -a ipaddress  -x ubuntu -i mycredentials.pem "sudo chef-client"

This is really clumsy. Is there really not a better way, or is the idea that in a real production environment, you'll have nodes auto-updating anyway?

Best Answer

That'd pretty much how you get things started to begin with, but it only needs to be done once. The initial run of chef-client typically enables and starts the chef-client daemon as an init.d service.

If you really wanted to do it more elegantly, you could ditch knife-ssh and run ssh directly:

ssh ubuntu@ipadddress -i mycredentials.pem sudo chef-client

that will probably be faster, as knife-ssh does a search against the Chef server to fetch nodes matching the search term (in this case name:dynode), which you don't strictly need to do if you already know the IP address.