Mount an VHD on Mac OS X


Is it possible (how) to mount an VHD file created by Windows 7 in OS X?

I found some information about how to do this on linux. There is a fuse fs "vdfuse" which uses virtualbox libs to mount filesystems supported by virtualbox. However I was unable to compile the package on osx because nearly all headers are missing and I doubt that it would work anyway…

EDIT #2: Okay I got my hands dirty and finally compiled vdfuse ( on osx. As a starting point I used macfuse ( and looked at the example file systems.

This led me to the following build script


gcc -arch i386 "${infile}" \
         "${INSTALL_DIR}"/VBoxDD.dylib \
         "${INSTALL_DIR}"/VBoxDDU.dylib \
         "${INSTALL_DIR}"/VBoxVMM.dylib \
         "${INSTALL_DIR}"/VBoxRT.dylib \
         "${INSTALL_DIR}"/VBoxDD2.dylib \
         "${INSTALL_DIR}"/VBoxREM.dylib \
        -o "${outfile}" \
        -I"${incdir}" -I"/usr/local/include/fuse" \
        -Wl,-rpath,"${INSTALL_DIR}"  \
        -lfuse_ino64  \
        -Wall ${CFLAGS}

You actually don't need to compile VirtualBox on your machine, just install a recent version of VirtualBox.

So now I can partially mount vhds. The separate partitions appear as block files Partition1, Partition2, … on my mount point.
However Mac OS X does not include a loopback file system and macfuse's loopback fs does not work with block files, so we need a loopback fs to mount the blockfiles as actual partitions.

Best Answer

Finally I got it working. So in summary here are the steps to perform

  1. Install macfuse
  2. Install Virtual Box
  3. Compile vdfuse as mentioned in the question
  4. Mount the vhd disk

    sudo ./vdfuse -tVHD -w -f/Path/To/VHD /Path/To/Mountpoint

  5. Attach the virtual partition blockfiles

    hdiutil attach -imagekey diskimage-class=CRawDiskImage -nomount /Path/To/Mountpoint/PartitionN

  6. Mount the virtual partition

    mount -t YourFS /dev/diskK /Path/To/ParitionMountPoint