Mount Exchange 2010 EDB to Exchange 2013


I know currently Exchange 2010 (with SP2) does not coexist with Exchange 2013.

If i was to install brand new Exchange 2013, new config, update schema etc, could i just simply mount the Exchange 2010 EDB?

Is this possible?

IF NOT, can i export the individual mailbox from Exchange 2010, and import to Exchange 2013?

Other info:

New domain installation (with existing domain name, Win2012), recreation of all users etc.

Best Answer

It's not possible to mount the databases from one instance of Exchange onto another one just like that. Actually to clarify, it is possible within the same Exchange org and might be required in some DR or reinstall scenarios, though I'd suggest it's not good practice as a general use thing.

As for migrating mailboxes, you can export them to PSTs then import them again. I'm not convinced this scales well for lots of users but it's there.

Grant yourself rights to do it (I'm assuming you're logged in as administrator) and then restart the exchange shell.

New-ManagementRoleAssignment –Role "Mailbox Import Export" –User Administrator

Ensure the target that you're exporting the mailboxes to has write permissions for the Exchange Trusted Subsystem group (important if you're doing this over a network to a share).

To export all mailboxes from an Exchange Organisation:

foreach ($i in (Get-Mailbox)) { New-MailboxExportRequest -Mailbox $i -FilePath "e:\$($i.Alias).pst" }

These commands are a bit "approximate" as I don't have an Exchange 2010 server handy to double-check them with but they'll certainly get you into the ballpark.

As for what to do on Exchange 2013 once you've got the mailboxes, there's the New-MailboxImportRequest cmdlet. Not played with this on Exchange 2013 so I'll just point you at the documentation for it. Needless to say you're basically importing the results of the earlier script into new mailboxes at this point..