Move email off Small Business Server to Google Apps, retain other SBS functions


Recently, an in-house Microsoft Small Business Server 2011 was installed where I work. Unfortunately, our buildings have a bad electrical power supply and we suffer frequent outages. We have a large percentage of staff working off-site. Now when the power goes off here, everyone everywhere loses email functionality.

I have been assigned to research the possibility of routing our email to Google Apps while maintaining LAN functions on the SBS. I haven't worked with Microsoft products for several years now, so do not know how SBS is structured.

Can anyone here tell me if this is possible, or point me to good resources that explain our options?

Best Answer

Here is how you migrate from Exchange to google apps:

Here is the tool you'll need to download:

It should be pretty straight forward on that. Also, you'll need to update your MX record to reflect google apps and decommission the Exchange part of the SBS.

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