File Transfer – Moving Files from Remote FTP Server to Local Using Wget


I need to pull files from an ftp server regularly and have found that I can get the files easily enough using wget

wget -m --user=yyy --password=xxxx ftps://

and that works really nicely. The problem is, it obviously leaves the files behind on the remote server and the next time I run the script, it gets them all again.

I saw that wget has a –delete-after flag, which on first glance would seem to be ideal, but, as the man page says, it only deletes local files not remote ones.

Is there a way to achieve this end? It needs to be via ftp unfortunately as I don't have shell access or rsync access to the remote server. Should I be looking at something other than wget?

Best Answer

Instead of wget you can try lftp. Command like:

 lftp --user <username> --password <password> -e "mirror --Remove-source-files -v

in this command -e "mirror is used to do a mirror or remote site

--Remove-source remove the source files after download. Be very careful with this command

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