HP RAID-5 Array Migration – Moving RAID-5 from HP ML350 G5 to HP DL380


We have an HP ML350 G5 with a 3x72GB RAID5 array that we were in the process of decommissioning. After shutting down the server and moving it, but prior to moving the data elsewhere, the server failed to boot–apparently a bad power supply.

(The data is 'nice to have' and not mission critical. As such, it was not in our backup plan.)

Rather than replace the power supply for a server we are decommissioning, I was wondering if it were possible to move the array to an existing HP DL 380, which has the same type of SAS drives. The ML350 has an on-board E200i controller, and the DL380 has a P400 card.

Is this possible? If so, how?

Best Answer

So long as you go from one HP controller to another that was made at the same time or more recently and has an up to date ROMPaq applied the array will move over just fine. Simply move the disks to the 380, they don't even need to be in the same drive slots as they store their array information on each disk.

One word of warning though, don't try to 'pre-configure' the 380's array controller, just stick the disks in and let it get on with it. It'll probably throw up quite a few messages when it boots but just leave it alone for at least 30 minutes, you may need to do a full reboot 2/3 times after this to stop the various messages.

If you let me know the exact controller details for the 350 and the 380 I'll see if I can add any more meat to the bone ok.