Moving a VisualSVN repository to a remote UNC share


I’m attempting to move our repository to a network file share (using a UNC Path) but I am getting the following error when starting the server:

Invalid file path //SERVERNAME/SVN/Repositories/authz-windows

I can work around this error by manually editing httpd.conf and changing the “/” slashes to “\”. This is not ideal because httpd is regenerated whenever any settings starts, but it allows the server to start. However, then I get the following error when attempting to connect to the server:

Failed to load the AuthzVisualSVNAccessFile: Can't open file 'C:\\SERVERNAME\\SVN\\Repositories\\authz-windows': The system cannot find the path specified.
(OS 3) The system cannot find the path specified. [client]

It appears that there are two issues here:

  1. httpd.conf that VisualSVN Server generates contains the wrong slashes for a UNC path

  2. The server is trying to look on C:\ instead of just using the UNC path.

I’m using VisualSVN Server 2.5.4.

Has anyone had any success placing their VisualSVN repositories on a remote UNC share?

Best Answer

Apache HTTP Server uses forward slashes (/) in configuration files. You should not change them.

Did you read KB22(Storing repositories on a network share)?:

The Invalid file path error means that VisualSVN Server could not access Repositories folder or one of it's parent.

In case of network share you need to grant Share and NTFS access to the computer account where VisualSVN Server is running or configure service to run as dedicated domain account. See KB24 (Configuring VisualSVN Server service to run under a dedicated user account) for more details: