Moving roaming profiles on a W2k3 with AD


I'm having a bit of trouble with disk usage on a Windows 2003 Server with AD using roaming profiles. Turns out the users Outlook related files (.ost, .pst and .tmp files) gets saved in their roaming profiles, thus using up a lot of space on the server. I was thinking of moving the roaming profiles to another machine with more storage (moving the actual folders and pointing out the new location for each user).

Will I break stuff this way? I'm mostly concerned about Outlook (we're using 2007 btw) and it's picky ways of using the .ost and .pst files.

Best Answer

I've never had a problem moving roaming profiles to a different server. Copy the folder to the new location then change the profile path on the user's account in AD. Then when you are happy that the changes have taken place properly you can nuke the old profile folder.

EDIT: GregD makes a good point about making sure the user is logged off... I failed to mention that part.