Mrxsmb (Event 8003) brings down the Network


There a domain with Windows SBS 2003 as the DC. At regular intervals, I am faced with the Mrxsmb (Event 8003) error which brings down the network. We have to other Windows SBS 2003 servers on the network, one of which was causing this. I have disabled the Computer Browser service on both of these.

Now, the Windows XP and the Windows 7 clients in that Domain show up with this error in the DC's log at different times. Every single time, it brings down my network.

Is there anything I am missing out here?

As a temporary solution, I have manually "disabled" (because when it is stopped and the startup option is "manual", it still gives me this error) the Computer Browser service in all the client PCs – is that the right solution or is there any other better solution?

On checking, as suggested in here, the network hasn't been disconnected at any given point in time, however, the PCs are restarted in some cases at certain points in time.

Would appreciate it if you could suggest some sort of permanent solution to this…

Thanks in Advance

Best Answer

This is how I solved this issue (though I'm pretty sure that there is a better way to do it). I manually disabled all the Master Browser services in all the Client PCs (both XP and Windows 7) and 2 Server machines (MS Server 2003) which were part of the said network. Once they were all disabled and only the Domain Controller's Master Browser service was enabled, this issue was not faced again.

@HopelessN00b - Thanks a lot for your inputs.