MSI keeps trying to install, and I can’t stop it – why


Somehow my desktop system has been infected with Roxio Media Manager… I say it that way only because the MSI is continually executing on my system and I can't make it stop. The install never succeeds because it apparently needs some resource that it can't access for whatever reason. I can cancel the install, but a few minutes later it starts up on it's own again. The only thing I've found that works is to just leave the installer running in a failed mode, but that stops me from running any other MSI based installs or uninstalls. I think this started happening after I uninstalled a bunch of software that I don't use from my machine, but I'm not 100% sure.

I've checked everything I can think of but … there are NO Roxio anythings in my list of Add/Remove programs, I've run MSCONFIG to check startup files and there's no sign there of anything Roxio related (that's active, anyway). I've disabled any/all services that have "Rox" anywhere in the title.

Is there anywhere else that I should check to try to figure out why this MSI is constantly trying to install itself? I'm nearing the point of wiping my machine and starting over from scratch.

Best Answer

This seems to be a somewhat common issue if you currently or previously have had Blackberry software installed on your machine.

Here is a link to a similar question and answer on Roxio forums.

Good luck.

If that doesnt work....Is there a Roxio folder in Program Files folder? It has to be firing off from somewhere. Check your temp directories and the appropriate places in the registry. Also checkout the services that are starting up. Some may not have the word Roxio in them, but could still be associated with Roxio.

You could try installing whatever Roxio software CD you have and then uninstalling it.

EDIT - rewritten for clarity