MSMQ via HTTP – Why do we need TCP Port 1801


Context: MSMQ, Windows Server 2008 (either "regular" or "R2" editions)

According to MS online documentation here:

MSMQ messages can be transferred over HTTP.

However, the ports needed for such transport technique, are:

  • 80
  • 1801

Now, port 80 (or the host's default HTTP port, which is 80 for most cases) is trivial and understandable.

But TCP port 1801? Why? Isn't it pure HTTP?

Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

Rest assured that the documentation is completely wrong on that point. I am embarrassed because I never spotted what the product group wrote while I worked in MSMQ support at Microsoft. I'll see if I can get someone to fix the information (Customer support request # 1158580154).