MsSQL Server 2008 R2 Setup Discovery Report shows instance but Management studio sees nothing


I've just installed Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 (64 bits with BI) on a windows dedicated server with the cheap Web Edition.

I launched
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Setup Discovery Report which says:
Product Instance Instance ID
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 SQLEXPRESS2008

But when I run sql server management studio, it shows (local), when I try to connect with sa and password it fails saying

TITLE: Connect to Server

Cannot connect to (local).


A network-related or instance-specific
error occurred while establishing a
connection to SQL Server. The server
was not found or was not accessible.
Verify that the instance name is
correct and that SQL Server is
configured to allow remote
connections. (provider: Named Pipes
Provider, error: 40 – Could not open a
connection to SQL Server) (Microsoft
SQL Server, Error: 2)

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I have checked that SQL Server is running within SQL Server Management Configuration. Sql server agent is not running, do I need it ?

Best Answer

Doesn't SQL Server Express install as a named instance by default? Try "(local)\SQLEXPRESS". Also make sure that the SQL Server Browser service is running. You need it to connect to a named instance.