Multi-monitor RDP session on an EC2 instance running Windows Server 2008 R2

amazon ec2displaymonitorsrdp

When I RDP into a Windows Server EC2 Instance I'd like to be able to use multiple monitors. It doesn't have to be RDP, but I want to be able to have multiple monitors, not a spanned display.
I've tried:
Checking: Use all my monitors for the remote session
mstsc.exe /multimon
Adding "use multimon:i:1" in the RDP file
Powerstrip install on the EC2 instance

Any way to do this?

more information
I'm trying to RDP from a Windows 7 machine into a Windows Server 2008 R2 Base default Amazon EC2 instance.

Best Answer

It sounds like your client configuration is correct. Try checking the configuration on the server

C:\> tsconfig.msc

In the remote desktop session host configuration, right-click the connection (RDP-tcp) to get properties, then check under Clients Settings to see whether "limit maximum umber of monitors per session" has been changed from the default of 4.