Multiple MX Records Pointing to Multiple Servers for a Single Domain – Setup Guide


Is it possible to have multiple MX records pointing to multiple mail servers for a single domain? Must all mail accounts be identical on each of those servers, or is it possible to have set up only on one mail server, and set up only on the other mail server?

The reason for this is the need to use two different email service providers but still keep everything at a common domain.

My understanding of MX record functionality tells me this scenario won't work, that each server will respond with "mailbox not found" errors for the accounts not on that particular server. Help?

Best Answer

Yes, you understand it correctly.

Sending E-Mail servers use MX records in order of preference defined within the MX records. The record with smallest precedence is used first, then the second smallest etc.

If two servers have equal precedence, the sending server picks a random server from the equal precedence server.

You can make forwarding accounts on server 1 that only forward all e-mails to server 2. This would effectively solve your problem.

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