Munin requires perl(RRDs)


I'm in RHEL6.3 and I'm installing munin from epel I already solved all dependencies except this one :

Error: Package: perl-Log-Log4perl-1.30-1.el6.noarch (epel)
           Requires: perl(RRDs)
Error: Package: munin-2.0.21-1.el6.noarch (epel)
           Requires: perl(RRDs)

I already installed rrdtool from repo local, but it's still showing this error.

Name        : rrdtool
Arch        : x86_64
Version     : 1.3.8
Release     : 6.el6
Size        : 699 k
Repo        : installed

Could someone help…

Best Answer

The package you need is called rrdtool-perl and should be in the base repo:

yum install rrdtool-perl 

Which you can also install using the virtual dependency mentionen in the error:

yum install 'perl(RRDs)'