MX or A record issues


We have a mail server (Mailenable) which we are using to sell email accounts to our clients.
We have one client that could not send email to a specific domain and they receieve this error from the domain's email server:

Reason: The message could not be delivered because the domain name does not have any DNS records.

The company that uses us for email does not have any DNS records for their domain

MX records are fine but the domain has no other DNS records. Is that a possible error? What DNS records should the client should add?

Best Answer

MX records are fin but the domain has no dns record at all. Is that a possible error? What dns record the client should add?

Yes, some mail servers, upon receipt of an email, check to see that the domain for the sending user, not just the sending server, has DNS records. I think it's a bit silly, and not a great check for spam, but it is what it is. Your client most likely needs to simply put an A record in for their apex domain. Get them a $5 hosting account and a single page informational website for good measure, just to be nice.


Buried within ye olden RFC 5321, it says in section 2.3.5:

Only resolvable, fully-qualified domain names (FQDNs) are permitted when domain names are used in SMTP.

Noice! I still think it's a silly to think of it as a spam deterrent and is a correlation/causation conflation, but hey at least it's a documented standard and following it has some positive side effects on the spam folder! Who has two thumbs and just got RFC schooled?

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