MX Record Propagation


How long does it take a change in MX records to propagate? Is the MX record TTL the max time it will take or do we also need to wait for all DNS records to propagate?

We are changing our mail server from Exchange 2003 to Exchange Online. Our current MX records (at Network Solutions) have a 1 & 2 hour TTL (primary and backup MX respectively). When we change the MX records to point to Exchange Online should all MX records worldwide be updated within 2-4 hours or should we assume the traditional 48 hours for DNS to propagate?

I assume that once all MX records propagate that all new incoming email will be directed to the new server.

Best Answer

You are correct that your TTL should cause all sites to upgrade within 2 hours. However, having worked at an ISP for years I can attest that many large and important sites ignore TTL, and cache for 24-48 hours regardless. So most sites will change within your TTL... but an annoying few will take days. I once saw a DNS that took 7 days before it read a new record (I queried it daily until it finally updated).

Some few sites ignore TTL. There is nothing you can do about it except hope that none of the ones important to you/your client are among them.