Yahoo Email Block – Resolving TS03 Message Permanently Deferred


My mail server has been getting the following error from Yahoo's mail servers since about a month:

postfix/smtp[23791]: host[] refused to talk to me: 421 4.7.1 [TS03] All messages from [my ip] will be permanently deferred; Retrying will NOT succeed. See http://

I have exchanged about 4 emails with Yahoo's support team. The first three seemed like automated messages, and the 4th told me that there is nothing they can do, but if I change my policies I can send them another email in 6 months. They also told me:

However, based on the information you
have provided us, we cannot
systematically deliver your email to
the Inbox at this time. We suggest
that you ask your users to set up a
filter in Yahoo! Mail to ensure that
they get your email messages in their

The problem is that my email doesn't even get to their Spam folder. The server won't allow any connections.

I have never sent spam messages, not even newsletters. I only send emails for my new users so they can activate their account. I've also implemented DKIM and told Yahoo about this. I have checked my configuration with and it reports that both SPF and DKIM are set up correctly.

What should I do? Basically, I'm losing new users every day. Any help will be appreciated.

P.S.: I apologize if this particular question has already been asked. I searched for it but didn't find it.

Best Answer

I've dealt with this frequently for our clients. Unfortunately, you are at a TS03 level which can be harder to get removed.

Here's some tips to get this moving forward:

I am assuming you have ruled out the following:

  • Open Relay

  • Insecure web script being used by hackers/spammers

  • Client sending out large newsletters

Forwarded Emails

Just a special note about this as many people don't realize this can get you blocked.

If your client forwards and email to Yahoo (or AOL, Gmail, MSN etc) and then the user flags the email as spam at their ISP:

Your server's sender reputation is damaged not the original sender.

Since as much as 80% of email is spam, a large percentage of the forwarded emails could be spam. Even at low volumes such a large percentage will get you blocked.

See if any Email Gets Through

You will also want to scan your logs over several days to see if any email gets through. Sometimes a block will be lifted but if you are still sending a high amount of spam, you will get blocked.

If you can update your question with some details on the mail stats, forwarding and other items, perhaps I can provide some more assistance.

As a last resort, you can change your server's IP address, but do this only after you clean up any items that could be triggering their policies.

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