MySQL 5.1 or 5.5


Are there significant differences between versions 5.1 and 5.5?

The server in question is used to host a medium-sized vBulletin forum.

The main benefit of 5.1 is it's available through apt-get.

Best Answer

These days, you can use MySQL 5.5 now. I have 5.5.9 in production right now and it's running great.

I have successfully scaled MySQL 5.5 with simple circular replication amonst 3 DB Servers. Here is the layout of each DB server and what's running

  • MySQL 5.5.9
  • 2TB RAID10 SAS
  • 192GB RAM
  • One monolithic 162GB InnoDB Buffer Pool
  • Dual HexaCore (that's right, 12 CPUs)

/etc/my.cnf has the following


Each MySQL Server contains

  • 942 client (tenant) databases
  • 935GB total data
  • 95% of the buffer pool is full on all three servers

After 1 year, it still runs like a dream because of using MySQL 5.5 and getting InnoDB to engage all 12 CPUs.

So, I am quite happy with its performance thus far and so it the client.

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