Enable Slow Query Log in Amazon RDS MySQL


I am trying to enable the slow query log via RDS web console.

We are using mysql 5.6 on RDS not aurora.

I'm changing the Parameter groups values of
slow_query_log to 1
long_query_time to 5
slow_query_log_file is /rdsdbdata/log/slowquery/mysql-slowquery.log

SHOW GLOBAL STATUS; shows the value of Slow_queries of 2817006 and is increasing so obviously the slow queries are present but nothing is in the log.

the downloaded log logs like

the log is created but the content of the log does not contain any sql

/rdsdbbin/mysql/bin/mysqld, Version: 5.6.34-log (MySQL Community Server (GPL)). started with:
Tcp port: 3306  Unix socket: /tmp/mysql.sock
Time                 Id Command    Argument
/rdsdbbin/mysql/bin/mysqld, Version: 5.6.34-log (MySQL Community Server (GPL)). started with:
Tcp port: 3306  Unix socket: /tmp/mysql.sock
Time                 Id Command    Argument
/rdsdbbin/mysql/bin/mysqld, Version: 5.6.34-log (MySQL Community Server (GPL)). started with:
Tcp port: 3306  Unix socket: /tmp/mysql.sock
Time                 Id Command    Argument

Best Answer

There is one parameter that need to be updated to enable the slow query log, and two that define how it works:

slow_query_log: Needs to be set to 1 to enable it.

long_query_time: Tells what long-running queries get logged.

min_examined_row_limit: If you care less about run-time and more about queries that might be table-scanning, setting this to a non-zero value will limit what gets logged to queries that touch too many rows.