MySQL Cluster. Have I Chosen the Wrong Data Engine


We currently have a database running in production that's using MySQL 5.5 with InnoDB tables.

As an evaluation, I've setup a MySQL Cluster (7.3) with MySQL (5.6) which has 2 Data Nodes, 2 SQL Nodes, and 1 Mgm Node; all on separate machines. All of the tables now use NDB (ndbcluster) rather than InnoDB.

The original intention was to provide redundancy with a distributed system that could serve data globally and efficiently.

However, the efficiency (performance) is greatly impacted. Am I mistaken in thinking that multi-table queries will ever be close in performance to InnoDB?

Best Answer

If you have only InnoDB tables in your system, I would recommend using MySQL Galera Cluster for replication. It doesn't have the same restrictions as the NDBCluster tables have in MySQL Cluster version