Mysql – Connect to MySql on other machine on LAN


I am facing problem with connecting MySql database on the other machine on the same network.

Could not connect to the specified instance. MySql error number 1130 Host 'abc' is not allowed to connect to this MySql server (Pinging ok time 1-3 ms ttl =128)

I have check out the followings:

Tcp/IP enabled
RegEdit under hlocal machine …. parameters .. maxUserpORT And timedelay..
Grant all . to 'root'@'Myipaddress'
please help to the earliest..

Best Answer

The error message you're getting shows that you correctly made the connection to port 3306 on the remote server. Your network settings are therefore fine.

What you have is an ACL problem - "Host 'abc' is not allowed to connect to this MySql server".

I'm a little rusty on MySQL ACLs, but instead of granting access to 'root'@'my.ip.address', try granting it to 'root'@'abc'