Mysql – Creating a docker thesql container with a prepared database scheme


I want to create a docker image on top of the mysql one that already contains the necessary scheme for my app.

I tried adding lines to the Dockerfile that will import my scheme as a sql file. I did so as such (my Dockerfile):

FROM mysql


ADD imhere.sql /tmp/imhere.sql

RUN "mysql -u root --password="bagabu" imhere < /tmp/imhere.sql"

To my understanding, that didn't work because the mysql docker image does not contain a mysql client (best practices state "don't add things just because they will be nice to have") (am I wrong about this?)

what might be a good way to do this? I have had a few things in mind, but they all seem like messy workarounds.

  1. install the mysql client, do what I have to do with it, then remove/purge it.
  2. copy the mysql client binary to the image, do what I have to do, then remove it.
  3. Create the schema in another sql server and copy the db file themselves directly (this seems very messy and sounds to me like a contaminated pool of problems)

Any suggestions? Hopefully in a way that will be easy to maintain later and maybe conform with the best practices as well?

Best Answer

I had to do this for tests purposes.

Here's how i did by leveraging the actual MySQL/MariaDB images on dockerhub and the multi-stage build:

FROM mariadb:latest as builder

# That file does the DB initialization but also runs mysql daemon, by removing the last line it will only init
RUN ["sed", "-i", "s/exec \"$@\"/echo \"not running $@\"/", "/usr/local/bin/"]

# needed for intialization

COPY setup.sql /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/

# Need to change the datadir to something else that /var/lib/mysql because the parent docker file defines it as a volume.
# :
#       Changing the volume from within the Dockerfile: If any build steps change the data within the volume after
#       it has been declared, those changes will be discarded.
RUN ["/usr/local/bin/", "mysqld", "--datadir", "/initialized-db", "--aria-log-dir-path", "/initialized-db"]

FROM mariadb:latest

COPY --from=builder /initialized-db /var/lib/mysql

Full working example here :

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