MySQL Database Backup Over Network Guide


Server #1 is a MySQL database server running on Debian which contains numerous tables and one particular table that is over 100GB.

Server #2 is used as a MySQL slave for replication, but now it needs to be reset and the replication reinitialized due to issues that arose.

There is not presently enough room on the hard drive of server #1 to do a full database dump (i.e. less than 100GB of free space). Aside from upgrading the hardware which would require downtime, what would be the best way to get the database dump from server #1 to server #2 intact, without corruption, and without filling up the hard drive on the server #1 in the process?

Best Answer

You can do this without an intermediary file, as well as resetting the replication pointers in the process, so you don't miss any updates (and have to resync again)

  1. Stop replication the slave

    slave> mysql 'slave stop;'

  2. dump the master to the slave, using the --master-data=1 flag

    master> mysqldump -e --master-data=1 --single-transaction $DATABASE | ssh -C user@slave 'mysql $DATABASE'

  3. start replication on the slave

    slave> mysql 'slave start'

--master-data=1 causes mysqldump to emit the CHANGE MASTER TO ... settings at the top of the dump to set the replication binlog and offset to the exact point in the masters binlog at the time the dump was taken

-e uses the extended output format, basically multiple sets of value per insert statement, which is more efficent both on the wire, and when being applied to the slave.

--single-transation tells mysql to open a transaction over the whole dump, rather than using LOCK TABLES.