Mysql – disable/delete phptheadmin aws ec2 lamp

amazon ec2apache-1.3MySQL

i am pretty new to dedicated hosting and aws cloud. i was able to setup my instance with a lamp stack and installed phpmyadmin, moved it away from the 'www' directory and gave it an alias in my httpd.conf
but i've read that disabling all together and accessing and managing my dB through a client such as MySQL Workbench would greatly improve security.

question: how would i remove / disable (which ever is best) phpmyadmin without destroying my sql dB's that i have created? the site is live and i am nervous about any disruption.

Best Answer

The first thing to do is remove the alias you configured and then restart apache.

If you installed phpmyadmin using a package manager (yum, apt-get) then put phpmyadmin back where it was originally and run the remove process for the package manager e.g.

apt-get remove phpmyadmin

yum remove phpmyadmin

etc. You can probably get away with just deleting the phpmyadmin directory tree too.